I made it my passion to not only save my own life, but help others…

My name is Caitlyn. Through my personal struggle with iron deficiency, I was able to start The Iron Protocol. I suspect my iron has been low since puberty. After years of suffering, I found out about ferritin in an adrenal fatigue support group. I asked two different doctors for a ferritin test, which was met with “ferritin doesn’t matter. It is only storage.” I was coming up on 30, my 20’s a blur of symptoms like nausea, migraines, restless legs, body aches, and debilitating fatigue. I became bedridden, not able to date or socialize. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I filled my nights and weekends with hours and hours of research, sifting through anecdotes and studies. It grew into an obsession to fix my life and learn all I could about Iron Deficiency. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. Every ounce of my being was poured into analyzing, absorbing, and researching this all too common problem. With my background as a data analyst and expertise in mass real-time data, I was able to put the puzzle pieces together and connect anecdotal evidence to clinical studies. I was pleased with my findings, but something wasn’t right. I had spent tireless months looking for these answers. This was valuable information and there wasn’t a comprehensive and accurate resource to provide knowledge on iron deficiency and how to treat it. This was my A-HA moment.  


So The Iron Protocol was born! I wanted to create a useful collection of research and trends I’ve found in my analysis to help empower people on their iron deficiency journey. When I started my path towards health, my ferritin was an 8. All of my iron labs were normal. This went unnoticed for far too long. In my decade of searching for answers, not once was a ferritin test ordered. After fixing my ferritin, the symptoms began to dissipate and life was full of hope again.


I am no one special. I am just an every day woman who suffered greatly. It happened to me and others like me live with it every day. I made it my passion to not only save my own life, but help others with this very common, yet often misdiagnosed illness. 

Caitlyn's Full In-person Interview Coming Soon!

Medical Advice Disclaimer:

The Iron Protocol, LLC does not provide medical advice. This website is for informational purposes only. Any information on this site is not substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor for any medical questions you may have. By participating, you understand the above and use the information on this site at your own discretion.